Welll… it was mental. And brilliant. And we got some amazing feedback! I think my feet have finally hit the ground… and now when friends ask how it all went at The Handmade Fair I can calmly say it was pretty amazing. For the second time I taught workshops of 100 people the very basics of modern calligraphy – and I loved it.
The workshops were brilliant. Friday was quietest with 70 or so people in our calligraphy workshop. On Saturday we were sold out: that’s 100 bums on seats, pens in hands. Sunday took us to a heady total of 250 or so students over the weekend. And while it’s impossible to teach calligraphy in the space of 45 minutes, it’s a whirlwind of fun to show how a pointed nib can bend, and swirl, and create beautiful shapes… and to watch students learn how to use the crazy implements of my everyday life for the very first time.
I owe huge thanks to Kirstie Allsopp for inviting us – we met ever so briefly twice, as she almost ran over us in a golf buggy while chasing my lovely friend Harriet for her gorgeous dress; and then in the green room before Saturday’s super theatre show. Even more than Kirstie, I want to thank all of the volunteers who were the superstars of the whole event, setting us up and tidying us up, keeping us calm and smiley and even getting to grips with calligraphy pens. You were AMAZING! To Harriet – for going above and beyond the call of duty, and helping every single day. To all of the wonderful people who came to the workshops – and especially those of you who came up to me at the end and said you’d practice at home. You’re the best.
And finally, more than anyone else in the world, to my wonderful other half, Steve. You know I couldn’t have done any of it without you. You’re my world and I love you to bits. Thank you.
Steve took pictures. He was there even when camera guy (who I remember from last year!) turned up for an interview. I hope we’ve captured some of your favourite moments from the workshops, as well as some of mine, and some lovely memories of all of you. I’m posting this blog as a memory for us: I’ll also be sharing the images on Facebook so do feel free to tag yourselves and share the images if you were there!