Does anyone even still say fuddy-duddy? I’m really hoping you know what I mean… but I reckon you’ll get it when I say family trees can be quite…. boring?
Maybe you’ve been searching already, and you’ve come across a bunch of dodgy illustrated family trees on Etsy, or a load of calligraphy websites with really expensive family trees for generations with family shields and stuff…
… and if you don’t have a family shield, that kind of thing can really put you off ordering a family tree!
Oh! If you do have a family shield, and you can date your ancestors back to the twelfth century, you’re on the wrong blog post. This one’s for fun Christmas shopping and Grandma’s birthday ideas!
OK, it’s just me and you now I think… we’re good!
Back in 2015, I thought it would be lovely to make a new kind of family tree. Something lovingly handmade, beautifully crafted and with a personal touch.
I asked my lovely friend Amy to paint a tree, and wow – she did the most amazing artwork for us!
Our vibrant, spring-like family tree has a hint of cherry blossom, birds in the branches… it’s full of life, just as a family tree should be!
The price you’ll pay for your vibrant, joyful modern family tree depends how big your family is. Prices start at £55 for up to 5 names, going up if you’d like more names (up to 25) on your family tree!
You can buy our family trees on Not On The High St. or in our Etsy shop.

Header image credit (at top of page) – Marion Botella Photography